Final International University | Sports for Children at Final International University

Sports for Children at Final International University

Final International University academic, Mesut Batıhan from our School of Physical Education and Sports, has drawn attention to the dangers of inactivity for the psychological, intellectual, and physical development of children. FIU is now developing sports programs and educational games that will contribute to the healthy physical and spiritual growth of young children. Batihan, an expert in the field, noted how heart disease, obesity and diabetes spread in childhood for such reasons as inactivity including long hours spent at the computer, and with tablets and mobile phones, as well as through poor nutritional habits. In order to contribute to the healthy development of children, Batıhan gave information about studies at FIU and the establishment of a public sports center to help transform the lives of the younger generation by introducing them to sports that will promote physical activity, mental growth, thinking skills, and team-work. Training programs are currently supported by educational games according to age groups, and include nearly 40 students engaged in basketball and football training programs. Further sports will follow and be accompanied by seminars on correct nutritional habits.